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学校简介 The introduction of school
2014-07-01 08:34:00   resourse:   comment:0 hits:

Chengdu Jinniu Experimental Middle School founded in June 1999
Welcome to Chengdu jinniu Experimental middle school
Chengdu Jinniu Experimental Middle School. founded in June.1999. is a Public Junior High School under the jurisdiction of Jinniu Educational Bureau. It is one of the six secondary compulsory education unions approved by Chengdu Educational Bureau. The school covers an area of 13,000 square meters. Consisting of 33 classes. more thanl.700 students and 125 teaching staffs.
Chengdu Jinniu Experimental Middle School. famous for its ethos of " Excellence with Optimism, Progress in Cooperation" , gives priority to model the students to be talented, aspirant. and noble-hearted. In addition. the school provides a very good platform for the self-advancement of both the teachers and the students: on the one hand. it boosts the staff to organically combine teaching with researching so that many research projects in recent years have been conducted. such as Provincial Key Planning Research Project of "On Building the Cooperative Organization" and Municipal Planning Research Project of  " On Building the Cooperative Organization of Junior Middle School Students" : on the other hand. the school supplies the students with various opportunities to further their potentials, for instances. it offers over 40 selective courses. hosts the annual art festival of " Golden Shepherd's Flute". and holds such activities as Sports Meeting, Concert for New Year and Weekly Student's Association Activity, etc.
Jinniu Experimental Middle School gets the highest rate of junior students ' admission to key senior high school in the whole district every year, and the rate is relatively high even compared with other schools in Chengdu city. Furthermore. The school attaches a great importance to the moral education. curricular reform. And educational informationization: accordingly, the school has been awarded with numerous honors and prizes, such as " Provincial Sunshine P.E. Education Demonstrative School". "Municipal Model School of Good Ethos". "Municipal Civilization Unit". "Municipal Base for Faculty Development",
"Municipal Art School" ."Municipal Garden-Style School" .
Jinniu Experimental Middle School with its motto " Pursue Goodness of Health and Virtue" . will foster both its staff and its students spiritually as well as physically so as to own a brighter future.
立人教育  绩靓蓉城



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