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International education work of Jin Niu experimental school
2014-12-31 10:24:00   resourse:   comment:0 hits:

Since the school was founded, it insists on opening educational concepts and international vision of education, training the future citizens with international exchanges, understanding, cooperation and competitiveness The school explores a lot of experim
International education work of Jin Niu experimental school
Since the school was founded, it insists on opening educational concepts and international vision of education, training the future citizens with international exchanges, understanding, cooperation and competitiveness. The school explores a lot of experimental work in the field of education reform and achieves many remarkable results.
  1. Educational Activities for International Understanding over the Years
Since the school was founded, it explores the path of internationalization of education and carries out a series of attempts. In terms of students, we accepted the exchange student Emma who is in the US to our school during 2002 and 2003 school year. In the summer vocation of 2003, our school launched the summer camp organized by American volunteers. In 2004 and 2011, we organized our students to take part in the American camp in summer vocation. Some teachers such as Ma Li、Cao Man were in it too. In March, 2010, we receive the British scholar James to visit our school. In June, 2014, we launched the 2014 picture yourself in perth competition of Cheng Du. Mr. Mike Ryan, the director of education promotion in western Australia, spoke highly of the work of our school's reception. In October, we received the British chancellor Mr. Mark Sheehan and Ms. Pamela Meek to visit our school and they two were impressed. In November, we received 11 high school students and teachers from Singapore De Yi Middle school to visit our school. In terms of teachers, there are two teachers (Wu Cuixian、Liu Guibin) who went to the United Kingdom and Singapore to study and visit recently. Our school also organizes the teachers to study the international understanding education "West Point Execution Report" and " Report of how to run domestic moral effectively according to the abroad moral conceptions”.
  1. The Experimental Activities in the Past Year
a.The Introduction of Foreign Teachers and the Creation of Spoken English Courses in English Language Teaching
In this year, we have coordinated with the education authorities at all levels and the members of foreign exchange center, to solve the problem of teachers’ introduction. Currently, the supervisors in grade six and grade seven have opened a section of weekly English lessons. By communicating with the foreign teachers, students can keep close with these foreigners. That will be helpful to both improve the students’ English speaking skills, and understand the etiquette, culture and circumstances of English-speaking countries.
b.Actively Development of International Understanding Education-based Curriculum and the Implementation of Education for International Understanding
Last semester and next semester in this year, the school opened more than forty school-based elective courses, including the "Etiquette and Models" (Wang Yonglian ), "DIY Bagpacks" (Peng Chunli), "DIY Fashional Clothes" (Zeng Huiqing), "DIY Accessories"(Chen Xuedan )," Geographic Production "(Huang Luna)," Aerobics "(Wen Qiu)," Technology Production "(Liang Wenyong)," Art and Calligraphy "(Xing Juan)," Color and Sketch "(Wang Xingmin)," Oral English "(Wu Ling),"OST"(Lian Hui). There are more than ten elective courses related to the international understanding education. All of the courses are fixed on Friday afternoon in a week. Students can elect the interesting courses and the results present in the form of credits.
c.Coordination and Discipline with Teachers and Penetration of International Understanding Education in the Curriculum
In the usual education, we coordinate with the English, politics, history and other teachers. We add the international understanding educational contents into teaching procedure. For example, the countries of the humanities scenery, customs, country profiles, profiles of education and some others will be part of the students’ learning. We are trying to make the students feel the customs of different countries while studying and enhance mutual understanding and integration of different countries.
d.The Promotion of the curriculum, the introduction of international teaching ideas and the attempt of trying new ideas and teaching methods
In recent years, our school has insisted on opening up educational concept and taking the “in and out” method. Though the Tao Yan Council and the Teacher Training in summer vocation, we invited professor Lin Ge, the deputy director of Chinese Next Generation Development Working Committee and Child Development Research Centre. We also invited professor Yao Wenzhong and professor Liu Yuqiang who come from Chengdu normal university and other experts to give lectures in our school. The professors introduce some advanced teaching theories and methods of education and teaching in modern western countries to our teachers to update their teaching concepts. Our school has sent more than 60 teachers to Chang Le No.2 Middle School, Du Langkou Middle School, Shanghai Polytechnic School and Guangzhou Royal Ascot school to learn cooperative learning, flipping the classroom, school-based curriculum development and so on. Our School launched a new model of Cooperation Growth Group and research of flipping the classroom. We achieved good results. Among them, the project “Construction of school organization and cooperation” declared by principal Liu Zhongwen has been projected for the ministry of education funded units of National Education Science "Twelfth Five Year Plan" Project.(subject approval number: FHB130460).
e.Reinforcement of Domestic and International Exchanges and Experience of Different National Cultures
In March, 2014, we received a professor at George Fox University of Oregon to the school exchange ideas.
In June, we successfully hold the “Picture Yourself in Perth” launching ceremony.
In July, 2014, according to the Ministry of Education, we sent Wang Yong, the director of Education and Research department and 10 students to Singapore to carry out exchange activities. They will contact with International Education Bureau of Department of Education.
In July, 2014, Zhu Cuihua led some students to exchange in Singapore at their own expense last summer camp.
In September, 2014, we formed an international friendly school with Canada West Middle School in District 42, Maple Ridge. The pen pal exchange activity has started.
In October, 2014, we received the British chancellors from "Chinese Bridge" delegation to visit our school and signed a memorandum of friendship and cooperation with the British school.
In November, 2014, we received 11 students and teachers from  Singapore De Yi high school to visit our school.
学校自办学以来,探索教育国际化的路子,先后进行了一系列的尝试。学生方面,2002—2003学年度,接受美国学生艾玛交流到我校学习;2003年暑期在学校开展美国志愿者组织参加的夏令营活动;2004年和2011年暑期组织学生参加美国夏令营,参加老师有马丽、曹漫等老师;2010年3月接待英国学者詹姆斯一行到校考察,2014年6月,举办成都市第四届“我与珀斯合个影”游学奖学金启动仪式,西澳洲教育推广署署长麦克.瑞恩先生高度评价我校的接待工作;10月接待英国校长Mark Sheehan先生与Pamela Meek女士来访,给两位校长留下了深刻印象;11月接待新加坡德义中学11人师生代表团访问。教师方面,学校在近年来有两人次赴英国和新加坡学习考察(吴翠仙、刘贵斌),组织教师国际理解教育培训《西点执行力报告》和《从国外德育来看有效改进国内德育实施点的报告》。

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